
Comments or suggestions


Just FYI, I dont really comment on websites but I really love your website... I am taking Intermediate Accounting this semester Fall2012 and your explanations are great. I love it in a fashionably. Its like Accounting in more interesting way. Good jop! please keep posting. :)

- Mary Anne

This has helped me FINALLY understand these two chapters. Thank you SO SO SO much!!! I can't emphasize how grateful I am! :)

- Julissa Guzman

I wanted to say thank you for putting together the "Useful Links" page on your site (http://www.intermediateaccountingfashionably.com/useful-links.php). There are some really useful links/resources on there.

Also, there's another great resource by SmartScholar called the "Accounting Education Resource Guide" (http://www.smartscholar.com/accounting-education-guide/) that I thought your visitors would also find helpful. Perhaps it would be worth adding it to your list?

- Lorrie Dyson

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